Artist research residency with The SENsory Atelier programme with Attenborough Arts Centre and Leicestershire local Special School
SENsory Atelier - an innovative model of creative education in SEND schools.
SENsory Atelier – Attenborough Arts Centre | University of Leicester
Working in partnership with teachers and support staff in the school, weekly sessions enhanced literacy and a love of reading through multi sensory and creative approaches and processes. A climbing frame becomes a mountain, faux fur fabric is the dog in the story, a bendy tube is an ostrich’s neck, a monkeys tail, an elephants trunk. Simple everyday resourceful materials allow children with SEND to explore and manipulate and stretch materials in different capacities. Sessions were tailored and informed by students through observations and ongoing feedback, all underpinned by the pedagogy of Emilia Reggio

The residency was part of a four year programme working across nine Leicestershire Special schools that reframes how we view learning with children with special rights. We worked with non arts subject specialists, bringing our different expertise into the learning environments. The programme has founded 10 principles that emphasise the pedagogy of the SENsory Atelier
· Curiosity
· Visual listening
· Simplicity
· Time and space to reflect
· Meeting people where they are
· Learning alongside
· Multiple entry points
· Relaunching
· Researching and hypothesising
· Process over product
Funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation